These days, it can seem like our energy is getting sapped right and left. Many of us have busy schedules, daily stress, and unending to-do lists. It can feel like you have no time for yourself - and no energy to focus on what's important to you! Unfortunately, a lack of energy can be a sign of poor physical health, illness, and even mental health problems.
A lack of energy may just come from a busy life, but it can also be a sign of physical imbalance or an insufficient intake important nutrients. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to increase your energy. Here are my top 3 physical health tips to increase energy and live a life you absolutely love!
1. Use Exercise to Increase Energy
Daily exercise can rejuvenate your body and help you stay productive and motivated. If you've been feeling low on energy, burnt out, or lazy, exercise is one of the best things you can do. Exercise boosts endorphins, makes you feel good, and provides the energy to get things done. To get more energy back, you can go out for a jog, a long walk, or work out at a gym.
Jogging for just 15-30 minutes every day can rejuvenate your body. It makes your heart pump more blood to every part of your body, and it lets your body attain a higher energy level. In addition, exercise is excellent for your physical health. Exercises that boost your cardiovascular health can actually add to your body's capacity to generate more energy. Many studies on the subject teach us that aerobic exercise raises the energy levels of otherwise inactive people.
People who don't exercise as much as necessary often live less healthy lives. Without proper fitness and physical health, it can be hard to focus on things that need to get done. If you are not able to jog, go for a long brisk walk. Walking is also an excellent means to get some exercise. If you want to exercise but don't have much time, consider high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT can be done in just 10-15 minutes and is one of the best things you can do for your physical health and energy levels.
2. Get High-Quality Sleep for More Energy
Are you a night owl? Do you sleep for less than 5-6 hours on a daily basis? A lack of sleep can negatively impact your performance and even cause health risks for your brain. Sound sleep is vital for your health. If you've been looking for a solution, below are some of the tips to get higher-quality sleep.
Stay Away From Coffee and Other Caffeine Near Bedtime
I drink green tea all the time, and I love the benefits of both tea and coffee. Caffeine helps us focus, increases energy, and improves performance. However, when consumed late in the day, caffeine stimulates your nervous system and may stop your body from naturally relaxing at night. Caffeine can stay elevated in your blood for 6–8 hours, so consider swapping out caffeinated drinks for water after 4:00 or so.
Exercise: Get Off Your Seat and Do Something Active
Sleep is intended to allow us to rest. However, it can be difficult to rest well if you've spent the whole day indoors watching TV, playing video games, or just sitting on the couch. You'll have a tough time falling asleep, and the sleep you do get may be restless. Unless you are sick, you should be sure to get out of the house and get some exercise in. Take a walk, do some yoga, or do a quick workout a few hours before your sleep. Just getting some exercise in will help you feel more tired and sleep soundly.
Create A Sleep-Friendly Environment
In order to get quality sleep, be sure to create a quiet, sleep-friendly environment. Make sleep an occasion. Give it the respect it needs. Let bedrooms be bedrooms and not a bar, a disco, or a theater. You will sleep soundly when your bedroom is quiet, calm, warm and dark.
Set Your Bedtime and Be Disciplined
The number of hours you spend sleeping determines your energy and performance at work/school/etc. Getting enough sleep doesn't just serve your health and well-being; it also helps you find success in your everyday life. To ensure you get proper sleep, work to keep a consistent bedtime and ensure that you sleep for 7-9 hours every day.
It's so important to get enough quality sleep. You don't need a doctor to change your sleeping pattern. You just need to be aware of the benefits of sound sleep and work towards getting it. You have the power to make small changes, get better sleep, and increase your energy and potential for success each day.
3. Eat a Diet For Increased Energy
Whether you get calories from a spinach salad or a cheeseburger, food is fuel. Your body requires a given number of calories to remain functional on a daily basis. However, your body will not work as effectively when you consume low-quality calories. These can be found in foods low in nutritional benefit and high in fat. An unhealthy diet weakens your immune system, taxes your organs, and opens the door to disease and illness.
3 Ways Diet Affects Your Energy Levels
Meals not only determine health and energy levels, but also impact the state of your mind. Some foods contain beneficial nutrients that generate powerful brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine have been proven to improve memory, enhance sleep, boost performance, maximize energy levels, and increase your overall appearance.
Eating healthier can enhance your mood and maximize energy levels. Consider eating these three foods to improve your energy and help you feel happier.
1. High-Quality Carbohydrates
High-quality carbohydrates like oatmeal, legumes, vegetables, and fruits can reduce dramatic swings in hunger and energy. These carbs will increase serotonin in your brain. Serotonin boosts calmness, improves your outlook, and lessens negative feelings. Be sure to minimize refined carbs like white rice, white bread, bagels, and crackers. They often unleash a rapid increase of energy and spike your blood sugar before making you crash.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3s found in fish such as mackerel, salmon, and sardines improve mood, memory and energy levels. Low omega-3 levels can lead to pessimism, depression, and impulsivity. In fact, depression rates are typically lower in nations where oily fish is a staple. Most specialists recommend at least 2 servings of fatty fish weekly. Omega-3 fatty acids are also in walnuts, ground flaxseeds, and omega-3-fortified eggs.
3. Chocolate
Chocolate releases feel-good hormones. Just one ounce of chocolate can enhance mood and energy levels. As if we needed an excuse to eat more dark chocolate!
BONUS: Water
Drinking more water can help boost your energy. Drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water every day to help stay at peak energy and productivity.